Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem on a donkey.
The Baby is born and laid in a manger.
Shepherds come to see Him.
Wisemen travel to worship Him.
The end.
Let's revisit that last sentence for a sec. "Magi from the East"... what is so significant about their visit? They were always my least favorite part of the nativity scene, mainly because they were old and had beards. But when you think about it, their part in the Christmas story is pretty striking.
Now I'm no scholar. But here's what seems reasonable to me:
- the wisemen had been traveling for awhile. Even the conservative thinkers are saying they came at least a couple months after Jesus was born. Some say they came when he was two (because Herod then killed all the children two and under). Everybody seems to agree, this was not a short trip.
- the wisemen were following a star. Not a map or a gps. A star. I can't even follow maps anymore. Granted they were "Magi" and it's assumed they studied the stars, but still - it could have turned out to be just a big meteor.
- the wisemen brought crazy gifts. Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Crazy for somebody to carry on a long dangerous trip, and crazy for them to give to a little kid.
Now if I was in the Christmas story, money and brain-wise I would definitely have been a shepherd. Or maybe even a sheep... But IF I was in the wisemen group - could I have done what they did? Leave my life for months or years on an uncertain, dangerous trip to follow Someone I don't know and worship Him with the best gifts I have. Now that sounds like too much for God to ask of me. Those wisemen had incredible faith.
But isn't that what He wants us to do today? Leave my life for months or years on an uncertain, dangerous trip to follow Someone I don't know and worship Him with the best gifts I have. Maybe the wisemen are an example for us. Maybe we're not talking gold and myrrh, maybe we're talking money and time and talents.
Makes the Christmas story a little more uncomfortable for me, a little more challenging.
Also maybe a little more real?