January 4, 2012

New Year (same resolutions)

It's that time of year, a time for optimists to get gym memberships, pessimists to burn old lists of resolutions, and realists to run to the store while everyone else is busy and buy discounted Christmas chocolate.

So what's on your list? I'm one of those sentimental people who write resolutions every year, but also one of those repeat failures who might as well reuse the same list every year because not much ever changes. Yeah, except for about half of these, this pic pretty much applies to me.

This is not usually a time to feel good about what you have accomplished since last January. In fact most people I talk to can be pretty down about the whole resolution deal. It's no fun that we have this whole tradition in place to remind you of what you didn't get done every year.

 But guess what. That's not what really matters. Here's what we should be doing:

forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

How about that for a new year's resolution?!

What about less of myself, and more of Him?
Less complaining, and more rejoicing?
Less worrying, and more trusting?

Ok so those are going to be way harder than my lousy "exercise weekly" resolutions. But way more worthwhile. What about fighting for His goals this year?

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